Attn: Employment Solicitors
Generate revenue and new clients by reselling this updated set of HR Policies, prepared by Daniel Barnett, fully compliant with all the April 2024 changes...

Up-to-date HR Policies from a practising Employment Law Barrister that you can rely on to be Concise, Easy to Follow and Legally Compliant
Designed SPECIFICALLY for you to resell on your website or give away for free to your existing clients.
“Buy Daniel Barnett’s HR policies because all the hard work has been done for you already.”
Alison McRae
You know the law.
But do your clients?
How confident are you about their knowledge of the following recent employment legislation updates:
Even if you (and they) have kept up-to-date, have their policies done likewise?
And this is a money making opportunity for you.
For many businesses, these changes (and probably many more) don’t feature in their HR policies. Or if they do, there’s a problem with them.
Often exclusions, omissions or mistakes are small

Occasionally they over-extend their reach.

Perhaps they result in an unworkable policy:

Or maybe, they’re a source of amusement

A policy that is inadequate, poorly understood or clumsily enforced can be a source of significant grief.
It might result in reputational damage for your client, or an expensive settlement…
… and a huge amount of grief for you for not making sure their policies were up to date.
And that’s where it gets personal.
If you do get caught out by a policy that’s not fit for purpose, there’s a small but embarrassing dent in your own professional standing with your clients AND your solicitor colleagues. Client complaints are never nice...
…all of which is preventable.
The trouble is, you’ll often only know how good your HR policies really are when they’re up against the situations and circumstances they’re intended to cover.
So I'm going to help you.
Not just avoid complaints.
But convert a problem into a revenue-generating opportunity.

My name is Daniel Barnett.
I am highly regarded for my employment and HR law expertise and am passionate about helping employment solicitors like you share your knowledge with your clients.
I have appeared in many Court of Appeal and Employment Appeal Tribunal cases together with complex High Court employment litigation. I also appear regularly in employment tribunals up and down the country and I particularly enjoy sharing my experiences with the legal community.
My employer clients include a member of the Royal Family, several international airlines, a global leisure industry company and telecommunications company, as well as many hundreds of SMEs.
I have sat on various Bar Council committees and am a member of the Staff Committee and Bar Representation Committees of the Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn.
I am the presenter of the LBC Legal Hour, broadcasting every Saturday evening at 9pm across the UK, in which I answer legal questions from LBC callers. I am well known for my forthright, honest and clear answers to even the most challenging questions.
I am the author or co-author of 22 books, including the highly regarded Handbook on Employment Law.
I bring all of that experience to bear when helping you develop a workable set of HR policies for your clients and website visitors.
Based on my extensive experience, here’s what I consider to be the gold standard for a suite of good HR policies.
For an employer or HR professional to sleep soundly at night free from any concerns or worries, their HR policies (as a minimum) have to be:
I’m sure you’ll agree with that.
But you'll also agree that, in most organisations, that’s not usually the case...
Here’s the problem with many organisations’ HR Policies (you'll have seen this)...
There’s a consistent problem you'll have seen over the many years you’ve been working with HR professionals.
It’s common in organisations both large and small (and everything in between).
In fact, it’s such a common phenomenon I’ve even developed a name for it.
I call it the 'Hotch-Potch HR Policy Problem'.
Well, it’s because your clients' HR policies often start out as an uncoordinated collection of documents from at least two or more of these sources:
And that’s the problem.
At the very least this Hotch-Potch of Policies won’t be legally compliant, up-to-date or integrated.
But at worst…
…there’s more than just a problem…
….it’s likely to be a ticking tribunal time bomb.
It’s not a matter of IF something will upset the HR applecart to test their policies, but WHEN.
I guarantee you're missing a trick by not selling up-to-date, compliant HR Policies to your clients and to people who visit your website (or your Facebook page, or your LinkedIn profile).
So let me show you what you can be reselling to them...
... right now.
Here’s what it consists of:
The Full 'Completely Compliant HR Policy Library' 2024
Fully audited and updated for April 2024, there are 26 HR Policies that are:
Here’s what the policies cover:
Click any policy to see the detail…
01 - Recruitment Policy
02 - Holiday Policy
03 - Flexible Working Policy
04 - Equal Opportunities Policy
05 - Drugs & Alcohol Policy
06 - Wellbeing Policy
07 - Menopause Policy
08 - Maternity & Family Friendly Policy
09 - Homeworking Policy
10 - Social Media Policy
11 - Harassment & Bullying Policy
12 - Performance Improvement Policy
13 - Absence Management Policy
14 - Grievance Policy
15 - Whistleblowing Policy
16 - Bribery Policy
17 - Data Protection Policy
18 - Modern Slavery Policy
19 - Disciplinary Policy
20 - Redundancy Policy
21 - Right to Work Policy
22 - Religious & National Holiday Celebrations
23 - Car Policy
24 - Computers, Email & Internet Policy
25 - Appraisal Policy
26 - Training & Development Policy
Would you like to see a sample?
The best way to be sure of the unbeatable quality of the Platinum Policy Package is to see it for yourself.
included with all sets of policies...
The Watertight Employment Contract Pack
Two carefully crafted, tightly written employment contract templates for:
updated for 2024 to include the new laws on holiday pay.
Our Triple-A Update Protection included throughout 2024
The HR Platinum Policy Suite also includes free updates for any policies impacted by new legislation or case law in 2024.
Should this, or any new government, introduce any legislation that impacts any of the policies you’ve invested in, I will: