1. This agreement is between Employment Law Services Limited (company no. 4067549) and any purchasers of products from our website www.policies2024.com.
  2. You are buying a package which will include some or all of the following:-

(a) a pack of 2024 template HR Policies
(b) two template employment contracts
(c) a guide to introducing new HR Policies into your organisation
(d) employee briefing summary cards and powerpoint presentation
(e) a ‘business in a box’ package and resale license
(f) an updating service.

  1. We will store your data in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available at www.policies2024.com.

Specific Terms relating to the Products

  1. Template Policies and Contracts: We have put a lot of effort into producing first-rate templates for you (designed specifically for SMEs). But every organisation has its own requirements, and it is your responsibility to make sure they are suitable for your organisation and reflect your employment practices accurately. If you recognise a union and have collective agreements in place, they will probably not be suitable for your organisation.
  2. If you buy the templates and find they are not suitable for you, we offer a one year money-back guarantee (see below).
  3. Guide to introducing new HR Policies into your organisation: Although employers have discretion when changing non-contractual policies, you cannot do so unreasonably or without following an appropriate process. Our guide will help you with this, but we do not warrant that following the guide will ensure compliance with all applicable laws. It is your responsibility, should you wish to introduce new policies, to seek appropriate legal advice.
  4. ‘Business in a Box’ package / Distribution and resale license: If you are an independent HR Professional or employment lawyer, you have a license to resell the template policies and contracts, or give them away to existing clients. ‘Existing clients’ means persons who have purchased services from you on at least one occasion since 1 January 2024. Any templates you resell or give away must be sent by direct email or be behind a paywall or password-protected area of a website. You are not permitted to give the templates away for free to non-clients, or to offer them for free on your website or social media.
  5. We retain copyright in, and authorship of, the policies and contracts. You are not to assert copyright, nor claim authorship, of the templates. However, we do not require you to actively assert our ownership when reselling or distributing them. In other words, you do not have to put our copyright notice on, but nor are you allowed to put your own on.
  6. If we reasonably believe you have breached the terms of this resale and distribution licence, we are entitled to revoke it.
  7. The marketing plan, keyword research and sales letter we provide are for general guidance only. We offer no warranty, and make no assertion, about the level of sales (if any) you can achieve using this guidance.
  8. Updating Service: If we provide you with an updating service, we will review the policies from time to time and issue updates if, at our absolute discretion, we think it appropriate to do so.
  9. Template of the Month Club: If you are part of the template of the month club, we will send you two HR templates each month (typically template letters). Clauses 4 and 13 apply to the templates, and clause 14 does not.

General Terms

  1. Any liability for negligence or breach of contract is limited to twice what you have paid for the item in question.
  2. Subject to the clause below, we offer a 12 month guarantee on the template HR policies and contracts. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, email meg.mcdonald@emplawservices.co.uk within 12 months of purchase and we will refund your purchase price within 3 working days. If you exercise your right to a refund, your resale & distribution license is automatically revoked.
  3. Our guarantee does not apply if you have breached the terms of our resale & distribution license, above, and we have revoked your license as a result.
  4. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales, and the English courts have exclusive jurisdiction.